convert int to string in C


Kavinyao posted @ May 16, 2010 06:36:21 AM in 学习心得 with tags java Calendar , 2275 阅读

题目:根据提供的代码,实现一个简单的日期类。将你的代码实现在标示有YOU FILL THIS IN的位置。你可以添加新的类或者新的方法,但请不要改动已有的代码。

1. 根据格里高利历法(Gregorian calendar,即公历) 实现这个类
2. year参数是大于或等于1970,小于2050的正整数,month是大于等于1,小于等于12的正整数,day是大于等于 1,小于等于31的正整数。
3. 你无需考虑输入值是否合法的问题。测试时我们总会输入合法的日期。但是我们鼓励你在实现中考虑到非法输入的情况,比如 2010-02-29。
4. 闰年的规则是:
  # 逢400的倍数为闰年,如2000年;
  # 若非400的倍数,而是100的倍数,为平年,如1900年;
  # 若非100的倍数,而是4的倍数,为闰年,如1996年;
  # 非以上情况的年份均为平年。
5. 不允许使用java.util包


public boolean isLeapYear();

public int getDaysBetween(MyDate another);

public MyDate getDateAfter(int d);

public int getDayOfWeek();



public static boolean isLeapYear(int year); //判断传入年份是否是闰年

public static int getDaysOffset(MyDate date); //返回输入日期和起始日期之间的天数差

private static int getDaysOfMonth(int month, boolean isLeapYear); //返回对应月份的天数


	public static boolean isLeapYear(int year){
		return ((year % 400 == 0)||((year % 100 != 0) && (year % 4 == 0)));
	 * Added method<br>
	 * Returns the number of days since January 1st, 1970.
	 * @param date
	 *            a <code>MyDate</code> object
	 * @return the gap between date and January 1st, 1970
	public static int getDaysOffset(MyDate date) {
		boolean isLeapYear = isLeapYear(date.year);
		int yearOffset = date.year - 1970;
		int leapYears = (yearOffset + 1) / 4;
		int totalDays = (yearOffset - leapYears) * 365 + leapYears * 366;
		for(int i = 1;i < date.month;i++){
			totalDays += getDaysOfMonth(i, isLeapYear);
		//System.out.println("the offset is " + (totalDays + - 1));
		return (totalDays + - 1);
	 * Added method<br>
	 * Returns the days of the <code>month</code><br>
	 * The days of February is determined by <code>isLeapYear</code> 
	 * @param month
	 * @param isLeapYear
	 * @return the days of a certain month
	private static int getDaysOfMonth(int month, boolean isLeapYear) {
		case 1:
		case 3:
		case 5:
		case 7:
		case 8:
		case 10:
		case 12: return 31;
		case 2: return (isLeapYear)?29:28;
		case 4:
		case 6:
		case 9:
		case 11: return 30;
		return 0;



	 * Returns if this year is a leap one.
	 * @return whether this year is a leap one
	public boolean isLeapYear() {
		return isLeapYear(this.year);
	public static boolean isLeapYear(int year){
		return ((year % 400 == 0)||((year % 100 != 0) && (year % 4 == 0)));
	 * Returns the number of days between this object and another MyDate object.
	 * If this date is the same as <code>another</code>, 0 is returned. If it is
	 * after <code>another</code>, then the returned value should be a positive
	 * number. Otherwise, this method returns a negative number.
	 * @param another
	 *            a <code>MyDate</code> object
	 * @return the gap between two MyDate objects
	public int getDaysBetween(MyDate another) {
		return getDaysOffset(this) - getDaysOffset(another);
	 * Tells which day of the week this date is. If it is Monday, 0 is returned.
	 * Tuesday gives a result of 1, and so forth.
	 * @return the day of the week
	public int getDayOfWeek() {
		int days = getDaysOffset(this);
		return (days + 3) % 7;


	 * Calculates the date that are <code>d</code> days after this date.
	 * @param days
	 *            the number of days
	 * @return a new <code>MyDate</code> object
	public MyDate getDateAfter(int d) {
		int newDay = day + d;
		int newMonth = month;
		int newYear = year;
		while(newDay > getDaysOfMonth(newMonth, isLeapYear(newYear))){
			newDay -= getDaysOfMonth(newMonth, isLeapYear(newYear));
			if(newMonth > 12){
				newMonth -= 12;
		return new MyDate(newYear, newMonth, newDay);




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